We all know that regular exercise keeps us healthier. However, a recent study that specifically looked at frail senior citizens found that physical exercise can help these people improve their mobility and even avoid major physical disability.

The study by the University of Florida found that moderate physical activity can be the difference between a senior being able to stay active and being essentially housebound. Moderate levels of exercise help older adults to maintain their walking ability about 20% more than older adults who do not exercise.


The study also showed that moderate physical exercise helps to not just improve mobility. It also helps to prevent long term loss of mobility. Regular exercise produced a 28% reduction in people losing the ability to easily walk.

The trial defined 'daily physical activity' as walking 400 meters, or 1/4 of a mile. The study found that people who can do this daily have less chance of becoming immobile as they age.

The 400 meters is not an arbitrary number; it is an important distance to be able to walk. This is equal to walking once around a track, or from a parking lot to a store, or around the block.

If you have some mobility issues, you still may be able to at least walk regularly. This will help to prevent you from losing more mobility. It also should help you to keep weight off and to maintain cardiovascular help. One great choice for a walker you can use for regular walks is the U Step II Walker:

U Step II Walker

This is an excellent mobility aid that will help anyone with walking or balancing problems to regain their independence, and to keep going for regular walks.