At The Wright Stuff, Inc., we are dedicated to bringing you unique products that "help make life a little easier". Our catalogs are printed twice a year (Spring and Fall).
Our 40-page full-color Mobility Aids Health Care Products Catalog includes accessories for wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters, and adaptive daily living aids. We carry high-quality attachments for canes, crutches, walkers, scooters, and helpful adaptive products for sitting and standing safely, and fall prevention.
Click here to order The Wright Stuff Mobility Aids Health Care Products Catalog.
We understand that some of our customers would rather look at a catalog than to surf a website. We also know that professionals like to keep a copy of our catalog on file for easy reference and also have an online file available to easily print specific pages for their clients.
You can also view our catalog online by clicking here: The Wright Stuff Catalog Online
*If you would like to request catalogs for a hospital, healthcare organization, group, or an event, please call.