Wheelchair trays to hold your notes, meals and drinks
Posted by Chris on 6/10/2022 to
Wheelchair Accessories
There a number of ways in which wheelchair trays assist people with limited mobility in their daily lives. The controller, the armrests and the height of a wheelchair can present obstacles to people who use wheelchairs when trying to pull up
Wheelchair Accessories for Non-Wheelchair Users?
Posted by Chris on 6/8/2022 to
Wheelchair Accessories
It's not uncommon for wheelchair users to outfit their chairs with accessories that make it easier for them to get around. But let's think for a moment about another group of people that spends a lot of time using wheelchairs--a quite mobile group
Four Famous Personalities known for using Walking Canes
Posted by Chris on 4/13/2022 to
Canes & Cane Accessories
Many who are dealing with a recent disabling condition requiring the use of a cane or other walking aid are hesitant. Adopting a cane can sometimes make one feel like they are crossing a milestone or granting too much validity to their
In Defense of the Walking Cane: One of the Best Mobility Aids Around
Posted by Chris on 4/13/2022 to
Canes & Cane Accessories
The cane: a mobility aid that gets the short end of the stick. Cue drum roll.
Pardon the bad joke. For many people, the cane is an afterthought, a mobility aid to be taken advantage of when other aids fail. It's a stopgap. It's a "first mobility
Mobility Aids for Wheelchairs or Scooters
Posted by Chelsea Shaffer on 3/20/2019 to
Wheelchair Accessories
Wheelchairs and scooters become a part of a daily routine, a way to express yourself. They are known for being eye-catchers already, might as well make it personal and in this case, convenient.