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Walker handle pads reduce pressure for sensitive hands

Walker handle pads reduce pressure for sensitive hands

Those of you who use a walker know that one of the first steps to using it correctly is to properly support your weight with your arms. This can be tricky and even painful at first, but the right walker handle pad could get you well on your way to
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Walker Safety 101

Walker Safety 101

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Outfitting the Souped-Up Mobility Walker

Outfitting the Souped-Up Mobility Walker

Careful There--Be Sure to Obey the Speed Limit! It's funny how the common perception of walkers is that they are slow, creaky, and outmoded. This little steel-and-rubber beauty is actually one of the best things to come down the pike in recent
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Working Out With Your Walker or Cane

Working Out With Your Walker or Cane

February is American Heart Month. A time to advocate for and stress the importance of heart health, heart disease and heart attack prevention. A primary focus is on exercise and its positive impact on heart health. Walker and cane users may feel like they are precluded from participating in an exercise regimen. We are going to look at some ways that you can use your walker and/or cane as an exercise tool or accessory.
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Visual Cues Improve Pace and Stride Length in Parkinson’s

Visual Cues Improve Pace and Stride Length in Parkinson’s

Laser light visual cues decrease freezing episodes and increase stride length in patients with Parkinson’s
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Celebrating Older Americans Month (May) with walker aids

Celebrate Older Americans Month by encouraging community participation with these walker aids. From travel walkers to cupholder, we have everything you need.
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